Tennis Tipster

Betting on tennis for fun and profit.

This website is here to share my journey as a sport bettor, trying to build a betting system that can turn me from hobbyist bettor to a professional one. In this journey, I believe that tennis is a gem hidden in plain site and that it is the perfect sport to create outstanding financial returns.

I am fully aware that betting money can have a terrible impact on personal lives in the form of addiction. Hence, please read my disclaimers and privacy policy before engaging  with me and my website. But I believe tennis betting can be used as a form of alternative investment as long as one follows a rigorous system.

Tennis Tipster is the place where I will share my thought process and journal my journey from regular bettor to a  full-time professional tipster.

Becoming a professional tipster

As it turns out, I am not the only person who thought of sports betting as an investment class in itself.  The website Bet2Invest is built around this thesis. On their website you can find tipsters for any kind of sports and see proof of their profitability.

The requirements to be one of their official tipsters are, among others, to have achieved at least a 4% return of investment over at least 400 bets, while placing a minimum of 60 bets per quarter.

I am already logging all my bets and once my betting system is refined enough, you will be able to follow me on their site.

Before this happens, you can discover my thought process and the core components of my tennis betting system.

Sports betting with crypto currency?

You might have noticed my logo made of a tennis ball and a bitcoin symbol?  Bitcoin (and bitcoin only, no other cryptocurrencies) is a core pillar of my plan to boost my betting profits. Bitcoin can protect your bankroll on the long term more than you think.

On my Crypto Betting page, you will discover my favorite crypto sportsbook but more importantly the full rationale behind my choice to bet in crypto and not in fiat.

You will also get access to a referral link allowing you to receive 25$ worth of BTC. My gift/incentive to you to join me in my journey.